Course curriculum

  • 1


    • What to expect

    • Frequently Asked Questions

    • Pre-work Action Items

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    Week 1 - Your Foundation

    • Traditional Territories Acknowledgement

    • Welcome to Your Foundation

    • Start Where You Are

    • Build Your Business Identity

    • Explore Current Priorities

    • Explore Supports and Strengths

    • Explore Challengers & Fears

    • Explore Current Finances

    • Time / Energy Management Plan

    • Ponder Your Journey

    • Week 1 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 2 - Your Vision

    • Welcome to your Vision

    • Create the Vision for your Practice

    • Take a Personal Inventory

    • Market Analysis

    • Building your MVP (Minimum Viable Practice)

    • Determine your Services

    • Ponder your Privilage

    • Week 2 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 3 - Your Niche

    • Welcome to Your Niche

    • Need to Niche

    • Pinpoint your X-Factor Clients

    • Create your Ideal Client Personas

    • Determine Client Pain Points

    • Determine your Specialties

    • Writing your SFD (Sh*#@y or Sucky First Draft)

    • (Optional SFD) Write your Services Page

    • Week 3 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 4 - Integration Week

    • Integration Week

    • (Optional) Write Specialties Page

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    Week 5 - Your Brand

    • Welcome to Your Brand

    • What is a Brand?

    • Create your Descriptor (and optional Tag line)

    • Explore Branding Assets

    • Determine Core Values

    • (Optional) Write your Core Values (SFD)

    • Week 5 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 6 - Your Story

    • Welcome to Your Story

    • Build Your Bio (SFD)

    • (Optional) Write your Story (SFD)

    • Week 6 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 7 - Your Marketing

    • Welcome to Your Marketing

    • Start With Why?

    • Three C's of Connection Marketing

    • Physical Marketing Materials

    • 30 Second Intro

    • Asking For Business

    • Tracking what works

    • Build Your Network

    • Online Marketing Options (Social Media Overview)

    • Online Directories

    • Way Down the Road Marketing Strategy

    • Week 7 Worksheets and Resources

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    Week 8 - Integration Week

    • Take a break

    • Upcoming Mini Course - Practical Policies and Paperwork

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    Week 9 - Mini course - Practical Paperwork and Policies

    • Policies

    • Initial Client Contact Form

    • Informed Consent Form

    • Intake Form

    • Consent to Release Information

    • Letter of Attendance

    • Communication Policies

    • Late Client / Cancellation Policies

    • NSF and Non-Payment Policies

    • Social Media Policy

    • Emergency Contingency Plan

    • Clinical Supervision

    • Basic Receipt Template

    • Templates and Policies

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    Week 10 - Your Money

    • Welcome to Your Money

    • Bank accounts and credit cards

    • Tax Considerations

    • Receipts

    • Bookkeeping Tips

    • Vacation Pay

    • Business Savings

    • Determine Breakeven

    • Calculate Monthly Profit Goal

    • Set Your Rates

    • Sliding Scale Options

    • Week 10 worksheets and resources

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    Week 11 - Your Momentum

    • Welcome to Your Momentum

    • Launch Timeline

    • Telling the World

    • Assemble your Team

    • Goal Setting

    • Quarterly Review

    • Week 11 worksheets and resources

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    Week 12 - Final Overview

    • Welcome to Your Final Overview

    • The Importance of Branding with Gloria Roheim McRae

    • Making Sure Your Business is Legally Solid with Dana Gordon

    • Considerations Before Creating an Online Program with Breanne Dyck

    • Making Your Finances Simple, Easy and LEGAL! with Shannon Lee Simmons

    • SEO and Getting Found Online with Josh Stanton

    • Creating Effective Websites with Digital Strategist Marie Poulin